Too Soon

My dear friend, you were taken from us too soon

I never thought that it would be like this

We were supposed to go off to college, and get fresh starts.  Start living life, outside of the high school bubble.

Remember when I asked to marry you?


Because that’s the kind of person you were.  You always put others way ahead of yourself.  You would share your lunch, you would buy a round of drinks, and never tally up who owed what.  You listened to me cry, you held my hand, and you gave me what I needed most.  My life wouldn’t be the same if it wasn’t for you.  And now, my life will never be the same without you.

When I grasp at memories fading, I remember your laughter and your song.  I remember how people were drawn to you because you were always so genuine.  You always knew what to say.  You were wise beyond your years, and you were taken from us too soon.

I think of love lost, and I think of you.  You had so much to give, and you always did everything 100%.  The world smiles a little less without you.

I want to capture your spirit, and I want to smile the way you do.  I want people to see me the same way that I looked at you.  Open, warm, and always giving.

You were taken from us too soon, my friend.  I wasn’t finished learning from you yet.